Please read this before you submit your card.

Terms & Conditions

By participating in the Postcards for A Grand Tour project you agree to the following:

You (the entity submitting this form) give me (Tucker Neel) permission to use your files to print up to six (6) four by six-inch postcards (your cards). You give me permission to leave your cards in Europe from May 16 – June 21, 2016.

You acknowledge that I will try to place your cards in the destination you have noted on this form, but you agree that I reserve the right to leave your cards in an alternate location when necessary.

You acknowledge I will not print cards using your files after June 21, 2016 without your explicit written permission.

You grant me permission to document your cards using my cellphone camera, and post these pictures to my personal Instagram (@tuckerwonders), Twitter (@tuckerwonders), and Facebook accounts, as well as my website ( and the website set up for this project ( Hi-res pictures will be available to all artists participating in this project.

You grant me permission to use your files and the documentation of your cards in a digital pdf book and printed publication.You acknowledge that both digital and print publications will include reproductions of the contents of the files you are submitting to this project, as well as any instructions you include on this submission form. You give permission for me to publish a pdf book on my website and the project website and make it available as a free download using these venues.You acknowledge that I will design and print one (1) copy of the print publication containing my documentation and reproductions of images made from your files. You grant me permission to give this book to Otis College of Art & Design's library. You give me permission to print additional copies of this book for my own personal and professional use and acknowledge that I will not sell these additional copies for a profit.

You give permission for your participation in this project to appear in noted text on any and all promotional material, websites, and printed matter resulting from this project.

You acknowledge that I do not claim any copyright or ownership over any images contained in the files you are submitting.

Tucker Neel 2016